
Past Events › Art & Creativity

Mandalas with Crystals Workshop

Crystal Garden Shop 1444 Pocono Boulevard Suite 106, Mount Pocono, PA, United States

Want to know more about Mandalas? Paint your own mandala [...]


Vision Board Goal Setting Class

Crystal Garden Shop 1444 Pocono Boulevard Suite 106, Mount Pocono, PA, United States

Join Kate of Pocono Mountain Witchery at Crystal Garden Mt [...]


Journal/ Grimoire Making Class

Crystal Garden Shop 1444 Pocono Boulevard Suite 106, Mount Pocono, PA, United States

Join Kate of Pocono Mountain Witchery Monday January 17 from [...]


Gebiya Sacred Drum Birthing Workshop

Crystal Garden Shop 1444 Pocono Boulevard Suite 106, Mount Pocono, PA, United States

Saturday, June 10, 2023: 5-8pm All registrations must be paid [...]

Mother’s Day Mala-Bracelet Workshop

Friday, May 10 from 6:00pm-8:00pm $25 Dollars to reserve your spot, add an extra $15 in Cash on the day off the event to make a 2nd power bracelet. Hosted by Diana from Crystal Garden Poconos. Create your personalized Power Bracelet, infused with the power of intention. Afterwards, experience the healing power of the Sound Bath inside the salt cave.

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