Promote physical, psychological and spiritual healing
ThetaHealing is an energy healing modality that promotes physical, psychological and spiritual healing through meditation and prayer. In this healing modality, a Theta brainwave achieved through meditation, is used to create direct contact with the Creator/Source Energy to facilitate the highest healing. It is believed that the theta brainwave (same brainwave used in hypnosis) allows us to reach the subconscious level making it easier to identify and clear limiting beliefs that cause dis-ease in the body. ThetaHealing has no religious affiliation. The only requirement is the belief in a Creator.
ThetaHealing can promote healing in a multitude of ways including:
- Removing resentments, rejections and regrets
- Retrieving soul fragments (pieces of the soul that have been lost due to grieving, heartbreak or being deeply hurt by family members/friends)
- Receiving unconditional love from the creator
- Releasing fears and phobias
- Downloading feelings to promote healing, mental well-being or to aid in manifesting
- Clearing land or people
- Shifting negative thought patterns to create a more balanced life
- Changing habits that no longer serve you
- Releasing ancestral trauma and karma
Mini Session $65 (30 minutes)
Standard Session $111 (60 minutes)
Full Theta Healing Experience $150 (90 minutes) Digging Deep for The Root cause
We accept Venmo @CrystalGardenPoconos and and we will get back to you to book a time. If you have any questions or want to book a session, please call us at (570) 972-2104.